Product Description
BioGrowing Probiotics is a well establised Chinese probiotics manufacturer, owning Asia's largest lactic acid bacteria facility, and having active clients in more than 50 countries. BioGrowing takes pride in being the only Chinese probiotics manufacturer to have offered technical support to the Chinese authorities when they drafted the legislation for the probiotics industry.
BioGrowing produces on a regular basis more than 30 types of freeze-dried bacteria, which can be used for both human and agricultural purposes. For human applications, we can provide the following types of products: individual bacteria strains in bulk at different potencies, bacteria premixes, blends of bacteria and other ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals, semi-finished products, such as capsules or sachets, finished products in blister, bottle, or paper box (private label).
BioGrowing can provide the following types of probiotic sachets: sachets in bulk, sachets in bags with private label, finished products in private label.
BioGrowing R&D team has developed different formulations with different functions, all the formulations are available for clients.
BioGrowing also can produce products in client's own formulations.